Here's how you can use coconut oil to nurture your health

Alisha Alam | Apr 2, 2018, 12:20 IST
Doesn't it feel like the world has just woken up to the wonders coconut oil can do for your health? While on the other hand, we Indians have been using it for ages as an elixir to all our health-related woes. However, there's still more to coconut oil than meets the eye. It isn't just a great conditioner for your hair, it has multiple more uses and we'll tell you just what they are.

1. Takes off waterproof mascara

When it comes to eye makeup, waterproof mascara is something that we feel has descended from heaven just for us. While it does make our lashes look amazing, we have to agree that it is a pain to take off at the end of each day. And voila! In steps coconut oil to take care of this problem as well. Just put a few drops of oil on a cotton swab and press it against your eyelashes. In no time your waterproof mascara will melt away.

2. Moisturises skin

If you want a substitute for skin moisturiser, coconut oil is your go-to product. Given how high a content of fatty acids it contains, it makes for an excellent moisturiser for skin. You can also warm it up and use it as a massage oil. However, people with oily skin should remember not to use it on their faces as it may clog their pores.

3. Works as a breath freshener

Now, this might be totally unexpected, but believe us it is true. Take a spoonful of coconut oil and swish it in your mouth on an empty stomach for about 20 minutes. It helps improve oral health by clearing up the germs in your body and hence giving you whiter teeth, healthier gums and fresher breath.

Well, doesn't coconut oil work wonders? Stay tuned for more updates.

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