01/5Are you in your 20s? Follow these guidelines for the right skincare routine

Use good products: Ever wondered why all those celebrities look like they have flawless skin? That's because they use some really good products. And those products can be super expensive. But trust us when we say, if you use the right products, they can really work wonders for you. So, try and save up every month and buy these products for your skin.

by Alisha Alam

02/5Drink green smoothies

There are plenty of leafy green vegetables out there that you can use to make multiple different types of green smoothies. Raw vegetables and fruits contain ample amounts of nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants that can all work together to give you glowing and radiant looking skin. However, do remember to skip dairy and opt for nut milk or coconut water as a base.

by Alisha Alam

03/5Avoid applying too much makeup

We know foundation can tend to eventually turn into your bae, but if you have adult acne scarring or if you have a zit somewhere on your face, it's best to not put layers upon layers of makeup on your face. Keep your face as clean as you can, and give all that makeup a rest.

by Alisha Alam

04/5Wash your face at least twice a day

It's a given that you'd want your makeup to be in tip-top condition all day. However, you also need to understand that with all the dirt and pollution out there, it's best to at least wash your face twice every day with a good face wash. So, invest in a good cleansing face wash and make sure it helps get rid of all the grime from your skin.

by Alisha Alam

05/5Maintain a balance

If you're in your 20s, you don't really need every miracle product out there. So, there's really no reason why you should own 5 different types of moisturisers or 3 types of night creams. Just stick to a few that work the best for you. And as you grow older, switch those products for more effective ones.

by Alisha Alam