01/7Yes, adulting is hard and here’s why...

How many of you’ll regret saying ‘I want to be an adult’ as kids? Us too! Being an adult is no easy task. While occasionally it gives us joys of being able to plan vacation ‘without permission’, it comes with a load of responsibilities that aren’t easy to handle. Whether it’s having to handle finances or cook or do the laundry yourself, here’s why adulthood is a tough pill to swallow...

by Jehana Antia

02/7The world does not slow down for you

One harsh truth about the world is that it does not slow down for you and you will realise this only once you are an adult. The march of progress demands that we all pull our weight and if you can’t shake off the bad habits you picked up on your way to being an adult, there will be no one to make sure you keep up with the flow. It’s all going to move on...whether you like it or not.

by Jehana Antia

03/7You have to handle finances

Yay, for working hard and earning your bucks. Not-so-yay is the part where you have to use that money to literally exist. Managing finances is a huge part of being an adult. Not only do you have to make regular trips to the bank, but will also have to figure out taxes and whatnot!

by Jehana Antia

04/7You have to cook for yourself

While you might have told yourself that you can live on pizza and Maggi, we bet you’ll figure out soon enough that you cannot. And that means it’ll be time to walk into that kitchen and learn to fix yourself healthy meals (at least once in a way).

by Jehana Antia

05/7You have to do your own laundry

Here’s another chore that you took for granted that would eventually ‘pile up’ on your to-do list. Also, procrastinating this task will be a major mistake. Trust us, when you start to run out of clean clothes, you’ll find yourself in a major soup. Yes, there will come a time when you have nothing to wear if you don’t do your laundry on time.

by Jehana Antia

06/7There’s no ‘Diwali vacation’

This one is the worst part of being an adult. There are no ‘summer vacations’ and ‘Diwali holidays’. There’s probably ONE Diwali holiday and a few bank holidays scattered through the year and that’s all you get. So, now that you get to take ‘permission-free’ holidays, you won’t have the time to! What’s the point, right?

by Jehana Antia

07/7You are expected to be an adult

Amidst all the responsibility, there’s that added stress to 'behave like an adult' too! Family and peers will expect you to act and behave like a grown-up and of course, your actions will also be constantly judged and scrutinised too. That never ends though...
Growing up is trap. Don't get caught in it!

by Jehana Antia