Here’s why grief linked to sleep disturbances can be bad for the heart

Jehana Antia | Nov 13, 2018, 11:57 IST
Sleep disturbances among people who have lost a loved one and among those who are grieving a lost loved one may put them at an increased risk for cardiovascular illness and death. A new study confirms the same and claims that recently widowed people undergo sleep disturbances that can lead to increased levels of inflammation in the body.

The study shows that high levels of inflammation in the body can increase the risk of heart diseases. The study has also found a link between sleep disturbances and inflammation. "The death of a spouse is an acutely stressful event and they have to adapt to living without the support of the spouse," said Diana Chirinos from Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, US. "Add sleep disturbance to their already stressful situation and you double the stressor. As a result, their immune system is more overactivated," Chirinos added.

After conducting the research, the researchers found that the link between sleep disturbances and inflammation was two to three times higher for the bereaved spouses. Bereaved individuals are more susceptible to the negative health effects of poor sleep, the study claims.
The findings of this study have been published in the journal, Psychosomatic Medicine.
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