01/9Amazing reasons why sweet potato is good for your health

Sweet potato has incredible texture and taste. The starchy root vegetable is grown all over the world so they are easy to come by. While the colour orange may come to mind when you think of sweet potatoes, they actually come in many varieties. There are close to 6,500 varieties of the vegetable. You can also cook it in many different ways - bake, roast, fry or mash it. Whatever, you do add it to your diet because it is super healthy. Here are some of the health benefits of sweet potato.

by Darielle Britto

02/9Gives your immune system a boost

Vitamin A is an essential component to help keep the immune system healthy. Sweet potato contains a plant-based compound called beta-carotene, which gets converted into vitamin A in your body. Research has found vitamin A deficiency increases gut inflammation and can weaken your immune system. Consuming loads of sweet potato can prevent you from becoming vitamin A deficient.

by Darielle Britto

03/9Helps protect against ulcers

Ulcers can be extremely painful. It occurs when an inflamed tissue from the skin or mucous membrane sheds.The methanol extract from the root of sweet potato has been found to help protect the gastrointestinal tissues from ulcers in animals. Researchers have also found ethanol-related ulceration in the stomach in animals can be prevented with the help of the flour in the roots of the sweet potatoes.

by Darielle Britto

04/9Helps to manage diabetes

On the glycemic index scale, sweet potatoes are ranked low. This is because it has been found to reduce insulin resistance and helps to manage blood sugar and blood pressure levels in diabetes patients. Unlike starchy foods, this potato releases sugar into the bloodstream at a much slower pace. This helps to maintain blood sugar levels, instead of causing it to go very high.

by Darielle Britto

05/9Can help manage stress

Sweet potatoes contain high amounts of the mineral magnesium, which helps the body to function properly. Magnesium also helps to reduce stress and anxiety. Researchers have found that magnesium deficiency increases the number of people who suffer from depression. A study conducted on mice also found that the mineral protects the brain from depression after suffering a traumatic injury.

by Darielle Britto

06/9Contains anti-cancer properties

Sweet potatoes are packed with antioxidants called anthocyanins, which has been found to slow down the growth of cancer cells. Researchers have also found consuming purple sweet potatoes can reduce your risk of colon cancer. The beta-carotene derived from orange sweet potatoes also helps reduce the risk of lung cancer. If you are looking to adopt an anti-cancer diet, then you should definitely incorporate sweet potatoes.

by Darielle Britto

07/9Improves memory

Studies conducted on animals have discovered purple sweet potatoes can protect the brain, as well as improve memory and learning. This is because sweet potatoes contain a rich dose of anthocyanins, an antioxidant that reduces inflammation and protects the neurons from free radical damage. While studies have yet to confirm a similar impact on humans, previous research has found people who eat antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables reduce their risk of dementia by 13 percent.

by Darielle Britto

08/9Great for digestion and gut health

Sweet potato is an excellent source of fibre. This helps to improve digestion. Eating a fibre-rich diet can help you avoid issues like constipation, diarrhoea, and bloating. The antioxidants in sweet potatoes also improve gut health and reduce the risk of developing irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

by Darielle Britto

09/9Contains age-defying antioxidants

Orange and purple sweet potatoes contain high amounts of antioxidants. This helps to protect your body from free radicals that can cause inflammation and damage DNA. It could also increase the risk of developing severe chronic health conditions. The vegetable also contains beta-carotene, which helps improve the skin and slow down the ageing process. Consuming a good amount of sweet potatoes will help you achieve that natural glow.

by Darielle Britto