01/5These blue fruits are delicious and packed with health benefits

Extremely powerful and beneficial plant compounds known as polyphenols are what gives blue fruits their amazing colour. They are particularly a rich source of a group of polyphenols called anthocyanins. They don't just give these fruit a vibrant colour, but they are also loaded with benefits we need that can help tackle a host of issues. They help to improve heart health and reduce the risk of serious health issues like cancer, type 2 diabetes and obesity. Here are a few more reasons to add these blue fruits to your diet.

by Darielle Britto


Blueberries are low in calories and a rich source of antioxidants that can help protect against free radical damage. They are also high in fibre, manganese and vitamins C. A study that included 10 male participants found consuming two cups of blueberries can protect DNA against damage from free radicals. Foods high in anthocyanins like blueberries can also protect against brain issues like Alzheimer’s disease.

by Darielle Britto

03/5Concord grapes

Concord grapes are popularly used to make wine and jams. They contain plant compounds and antioxidants that are important to maintain our health. Some research suggests these grapes may even boost your immune system. Some studies have also found it may improve brain health and improve one's mood. Consume these grapes regularly to get the most out of it.

by Darielle Britto


Got the flu? Consume elderberries as they can help give your immune system a big boost. Researchers have found people have made a quick recovery from various illnesses due to it. Plant compounds found in these fruits can tackle viruses that cause the flu. However, while they do have amazing benefits you should cook these berries before you eat them. Raw elderberries may cause a stomach upset.

by Darielle Britto


Blackberries have a dark blue colour and are sweet in taste. Just one cup of blackberries can give a rich dose of manganese and vitamin C. Blackberries are also an extremely rich source of vitamin K. This vitamin helps to keep bones strong and healthy. Some studies suggest an insufficient amount of vitamin K in the body could increase the risk of osteoporosis.

by Darielle Britto