Here's why you need to ensure that you eat healthy 'most of the time'

Alisha Alam | Jan 23, 2019, 11:24 IST
Now, that we're finally in the middle of January 2019, do you think you were able to manage well with all those fitness resolutions you made? If not, then that's probably because as much as we want to stick to routines and schedules, life isn't really that predictable for us to be able to do so. Sometimes you end up in a social situation that requires you to eat from outside or sometimes you might get stuck at work and have to raid the vending machine. Whatever the problems are, here's some good news for you.

Turns out, you don't have to stick to your diet all the time if you just manage to eat healthy most of the time. When you give yourself control over choosing when to indulge in cheat food, then you end up with a controlled and proper diet. Just because you ate a piece of chocolate one day doesn't mean it will ruin your entire diet unless you do it on a daily basis. Here are a few ways in which you can try and eat healthy most of the time.

Firstly, wherever you are, try and eat at least three small meals a day at regular intervals. Not only will this keep you satiated but it will also help you burn more calories.
Start recognising the start and stop signals from your body. When you feel hungry your body sends you a signal, and then when you start feeling full it sends you a signal again. Recognise these signals and eat accordingly.
Opt for beverages like water, tea, coffee and other calorie-free beverages that can work in place of food when you're hungry at off times.
Make sure that you add more fibre to your diet. Try and eat vegetables, fruits and other fibre containing foods with your meals. Try and avoid drinking alcohol as much as you can.

Keep all these tips in mind and you should be good to go. And if you've decided that you want to eat less this year, remember that if you're also going to exercise, doing this will become rather difficult. So, in this case, consult a dietitian for how to best manage the two together.

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