Here's why you should gorge on those lychees this summer season!

Alisha Alam | Jun 12, 2019, 11:19 IST

Apart from mangoes, if there's one fruit that people love to eat during summers it has to be lychee. This small fruit with leathery pink skin and amazingly juicy flesh on the inside is famous for its spectacular taste but that's not all it has to offer. It also happens to be highly nutritious and is full of antioxidants and micronutrients. And since lychees happen to be a seasonal fruit, they're often available during the summers which is why we suggest you get your hands on them ASAP. Here are some benefits of eating this juicy fruit.

- Good for heart health. As we mentioned lychees are rather rich in micronutrients and contain potassium and copper, both of which are essential in helping heart muscles contract and beat with ease.

- Fights inflammation. Lychees have a high antioxidant content which can help fight toxins and inflammation in the body. Plus, they can also reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases in the body by fighting free radicals.

- Can help brain functions. Certain extracts from the fruit can actually prevent the onset of cognitive impairment and can thus help reduce the risk of developing conditions like Alzheimer's.

- Can fight cancer. Since lychees contain antioxidants and Vitamin C, they can boost the body's ability to fight off cancerous cells. Extracts from the fruit have been known to protect against breast cancer and prostate cancer.

- Helps improve blood circulation. Since lychees are rich in potassium and copper which help heart health, they can also help improve blood circulation in the body and can boost the supply of oxygen to the cells in the body.

Well, now you have multiple reasons to start eating this fruit. Stay tuned for more updates.

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