Here's why you should treat acne as early as possible

Alisha Alam | Nov 14, 2018, 15:32 IST
Acne is a skin condition that most of us are all too familiar with. It causes tiny pimples to come up on the surface of the skin and can take quite some time to go away. The condition affects many people across the globe every year. It is a complex condition which can be caused by various factors like hormonal explosions, heredity conditions or even stress. But usually, we see acne form once a person reaches their teenage years.

Dermatologists suggest that this is the apt time to start treatment for acne. Due to the various hormonal changes, breakouts become more and more common for teenagers. This leads to physical as well as psychological stress. Teens may begin to worry about the scars left behind by the acne. This could also lead to a lack of confidence, depression, and reduced self-esteem. And they may resort to measures which don't really help the problem go away.

The doctors suggest that during this time it is best to consult with them and figure out which product will suit the teens' skin the best. Medicine needs to be picked up based on the appropriate skin type and one also needs to give their skin time to adapt to the medicine. This means that the medicine first needs to be used in small doses and then if suitable, one can start a proper course. Stay tuned for more updates.

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