Here's why you shouldn't be sleeping late at night

Deesha Bondre | Sep 16, 2019, 17:14 IST

Sleep is easily one of the most neglected necessities. We may be the first one to sacrifice it for another episode of our favourite series, forgetting that night of bad sleep could leave you feeling cranky and tired throughout the day. Hence, it is recommended to sleep for at least 7 to 9 hours in the day. Sleep deprivation has short term as well as long term results. Ahead are some of the side effects of sleep deprivation.

Effect on the nervous system
A lack of good sleeping pattern can affect the nervous system. Chronic insomnia can cause the brain to become too tired to send out messages and leads to one feeling sleepy and tired. It can also make a person hallucinate and develop manic symptoms.

Deterioration of the immune system
The body releases cytokines in the system when it is sleeping. This helps in fighting infection-causing pathogens. If you don’t sleep, you are increasing the risk of catching an infection. If you are already infected and don’t sleep, then your recovery will be slow.

Affects the respiratory system
If you are awake, you will keep changing your breathing pattern, making it tough for the lungs to rest. Weak lungs will not process the dust properly and you can catch a common cold or flu.

Heart attacks
Chronic insomnia makes the heart work longer and doesn’t give it time to heal. It can cause an increase in blood sugar, blood pressure and inflammation levels. According to a study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, chronic insomnia has links to heart attack and stroke.
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