01/5This can be a sign of an underlying medical condition

Excessive sweating or hot flashes at night are called night sweats. Surprisingly, a lot of women experience night sweats where they get drenched in sweat while asleep. Although night sweat is normal if the room is hot or you’re wearing warm clothes to sleep. However, If you’re experiencing hot flashes at night even when the environment of your room is not overheated, it can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. To make the work for you, we have jotted down some of the hidden causes of night sweats among women. Take a look and watch out for the sign!

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by Sneha Biswas


Women reaching their menopause tend to experience hot flashes and excessive night sweats due to the change in hormones. This is the commonest reason that causes night sweating among elder women.

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Severe and chronic infections due to bacteria and pathogens can cause heavy sweating at night. Such as people suffering from tuberculosis, HIV infection, heart inflammations, osteomyelitis or other inflammations tend to sweat more at night in their sleep.

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Night sweat is among the subtle early signs of cancer that often go unnoticed. This is more common in the case of lymphoma. Look out for other signs of cancer and seek medical help if required.

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05/5Medicine reaction

Certain kinds of medicines can cause night sweats as a side effect. This is more common among drugs taken to lower fever and pain, such as antidepressant and aspirin. People undergoing medical treatment for diabetes tend to also experience excessive sweating.

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