Home Remedies for Toothache

Deesha Bondre | Jun 17, 2019, 17:11 IST

Toothaches can be extremely painful and distracting. They can be caused by tooth decay, an abscess, damaged fillings or even infected gums. And while going to the dentist would be ideal, there are few things you can do to ease that pain. Our personal experience with tooth decay is proof that you can’t do anything with the massive pain. Ahead are some remedies that will help you out. Read on.

Apply clove oil
This method is very popular in Indian and China. It has been doing the round for centuries now, so you know it works. Clove oil contains a chemical, eugenol, which is an antibacterial agent. It also has anti-inflammatory properties. Here’s how you use it. Take a cotton swab or ball and put a few drops of clove oil on it. Put that cotton swab on the affected area for 5-10 minutes. Repeat this process after every 2-3 hours. Alternatively, if you do have clove oil on you, you may just chew a few cloves in the area there is a toothache.
Rinse With Saltwater
Rinsing your mouth with saltwater can help in clearing the debris stuck in cavities and between teeth. It draws fluid from the affected area and reduces pressure on it. It also reduces swelling.
Try Cold Compression
Ice works to numb your nerves. It sends cold signals to the brain. These may overpower the pain signals that are sent to the brain by the tooth. Ice packs are thus a very good remedy to cure your toothache.
Wrap one or two ice cubes in a thin cloth. Put the pack to the affected tooth. It can also be put on the cheek where the affected tooth is.

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