Home remedies that will help alleviate the pain from those boils

Alisha Alam | Jan 8, 2020, 10:45 IST
We end up with skin-related issues more often than we'd like and one skin problem that really is a pain are boils. These usually develop around hair follicles and get filled with pus. And let's just say that calling them extremely painful would be an understatement. Boils can occur due to various reasons be it a bacterial infection, burns, injuries, allergies and even certain medication.

What's worse is that if these boils aren't treated properly and in time, they can grow in size and can get to become even more painful. In very rare cases getting rid of them might require surgery but otherwise, even basic medication could do the trick. But if you'd still prefer more natural methods, here are some home remedies that could come to your rescue. Take a look.

Turmeric paste: Turmeric is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties. It also has anti-microbial properties and blood-purifying properties. Take a quarter teaspoon of turmeric and add a few drops of water to make a thick consistent paste. Apply this paste to the boils 2-3 times a day and the boils will be gone in no time.

Ginger tea: Known to increase blood circulation and reduce inflammation, ginger can work wonders in getting rid of boils. Make some ginger tea and dip a cloth in the tea. Boil the tea along with the cloth for a good 15 minutes. Once done, let the cloth cool down and apply it to the boils.

Onion juice: Onions are rich in antioxidants that can get rid of toxins from the body and can help reduce inflammation. All you need to do is grind some onion and drain it to get its juice. Apply a few drops of this juice to the boils and they'll vanish in no time.

Parsley leaves: It works as a natural poultice and can help reduce pain and can even drain out pus from the boils. Boil some parsley leaves in water until they become tender. Take out the leaves and let them cool. Place them on the boils for at least 20-30 minutes twice a day.

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