01/5Tired of the pain from ingrown toenails? These home remedies will help

Anyone who has ever suffered from ingrown toenails knows just how unbearable the pain is. Ingrown toenails often occur when the nail starts cutting into the skin beside the nail and this can lead to not just immense amounts of pain but also severe nail infections. That's why it becomes very important to treat the condition as soon as possible. And more often than not, it isn't serious enough for you to go to the doctor, so you can always try treating it at home first. Here are some home remedies that are bound to come to your rescue if ingrown toenails are bothering you.

by Alisha Alam

02/5Soak your feet in apple cider vinegar

We're sure that by this time you're aware that apple cider vinegar is like a magical elixir that cures all your problems. It contains some rather strong antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can help get rid of infections in a jiffy. Add ¼ cup apple cider vinegar to a bucket of warm water and soak your feet in this for 20 minutes. Let your feet air dry after you're done soaking them. Do this every day for best results.

03/5Wear comfy footwear

Often things go wrong with our feet because we choose to wear the wrong type of footwear. Don't wear things that are too constricting or won't let your skin breathe. This is often why you might also develop infections on your feet. Instead, wear loose and comfortable footwear that will provide maximum support to your feet.

04/5Soak your feet in soapy water

Yet another treatment for ingrown toenails can be to soak your feet in warm soapy water. Soap is known to have antibacterial properties and will help keep any sort of infection at bay. Make sure to do this 2-3 times a day and you'll notice a difference in no time.

05/5Put some cotton underneath the edge of the nail

One remedy that most people claim has worked well is to put some cotton underneath the edge of the nail so as to nudge it to grow in the right direction. Make sure to soak the cotton ball in some antiseptic liquid before you do this so that it doesn't lead to any sort of infection.