How blueberry consumption can contribute to healthy ageing

Darielle Britto | Jul 31, 2019, 13:06 IST
Researchers say blueberries may help reduce blood pressure levels and improve memory in older adults. New studies on blueberries,published in The Journals of Gerontology, Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, highlights the numerous health benefits this fruit has to offer and how it can contribute to healthy ageing.

One study suggests daily consumption of a cup of blueberries, which are an extremely rich source of antioxidants,can reduce systolic blood pressure. It was also found to improve blood vessel function. Researchers also discovered older adults who consumed blueberries helped improve their cognitive function. Another study also revealed blueberries can help reduce inflammation.

Another study,published in the British Medical Journal, found that blueberries can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 26 per cent. Previous research has termed blueberries, a ‘super fruit' due to its range of health benefits.

"Since the 1990s, research on the health benefits of blueberries has grown exponentially," Donald K. Ingram, PhD, FGSA, told a news portal. Adding, "Studies have documented that this fruit ranks highest in antioxidant activity compared to many other popular fruits. Moreover, other mechanisms for the health benefits of blueberries, such as their anti-inflammatory properties, have been identified."

You can consume it fresh or frozen. It is also popularly sold as a herbal tea.
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