How to eat a lot and lose weight

Darielle Britto | May 16, 2019, 13:50 IST
Portion control is one of the best ways to lose weight. However, it can also be one of the biggest challenges to reaching your goal. The benefits of making it a habit are that it allows you to eat more variety in moderation. This way you don't fall off the wagon and add on those extra unwanted kilos. If you are struggling to lose the weight or just want to maintain it, here are a few ways you can lose weight and still consume a lot of food.

1. Clear your kitchen of junk food: Having foods like cookies, popcorn and crackers around in the home can make it difficult to reach for the foods you should be consuming. You want to save these kinds of foods for a cheat day, but stock up on healthy foods to snack on. That way when you are really feeling hungry or just need a snack, you'll have plenty of good and nutritious foods to consume.

2. Make sure healthy foods are easily accessible: The best way to reach for the right foods when you are hungry is to make sure they are in plain sight. This way you won't be tempted to head to the vending machine for a chocolate bar or order a lunch that may be too heavy. Place fresh fruit on the dining table and stock your fridge with colourful vegetables. Keep a couple of healthy items to snack on in your work drawer.

3. Consume the right sweet stuff: Losing weight doesn't have to be about giving up the sweet stuff. Try out health dessert options instead of ice cream. You could even try dates instead of chocolate. There are plenty of healthy options that can help you satisfy your sweet tooth and maintain a healthy weight.

4. Prep your meal: Spend some time figuring out the meals you are going to prepare for the week. You can keep certain items ready for those hectic days so you can cook good food fast. Plan each meal and make sure you have what you need so your meal plan doesn't go awry.

5. Keep dinner simple: After a long hard day, the last thing you want to do is cook a meal. While some find it soothing, others may feel that's one more task their not in the mood for. That's when you may want to place an order for something you may end up regretting. The best way to make sure you consume a healthy dinner is prep. Chop up the vegetables beforehand and keep all the ingredients you need ready. This way when you get home, all you have to do is toss them together.

6. Consume protein: Eggs, tofu and chicken are good sources of protein. Make sure you consume protein-rich foods regularly as this will help to keep you full for longer.
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