How to trick yourself into eating healthy meals

Darielle Britto | Jan 3, 2019, 15:46 IST
New year, new beginnings and what's on most new year's resolution is to lose the weight.

After all that indulging during the festive season, it's time to get back on the health wagon. But getting back into shape or even eating well for that matter can be difficult to start.

Instead of trying the latest diet, go easy on yourself and try something simple.

With a few "nudges" you can tick yourself into healthy eating.

Here are five ways you can get started:

1. Display healthy food: A great way to make sure you eat right is by putting healthy food in plain sight. Display fresh fruit in a bowl on the dining table. Hide the cookies and junk food in a cupboard. Out of sight out of mind.

2. Arrange your food to look bigger: Portion control is key. Trick yourself into thinking you've eaten a larger meal by strategically making your food appear bigger on a plate. For example, when you are having a generous amount of pasta, add more salad on the plate. You can also serve your meals on a smaller plate.

3. Mirrors: Add a full-size mirror just behind your dining table. Watching yourself eat can help reduce the amount of food you consume.

4. Stay focused: Research has found people eat more when they are distracted. You might not realise how much you are eating while engrossed in a show or conversation. Pay attention to what you are eating and how much.

5. Convenience food: Beware of buying food for the sake of convenience. Instead of opting for snack bars carry fruit. Plan your meals including the small ones. A little effort goes a long way in the end.
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