01/5Essential oils and all the goodness that they bring to you

Aromatherapy, as we all know it, has been around for a long long time. Essential oils are quite an important part of it and is a way of reaping benefits from many plants and trees. These oils contain specific properties that boosts both emotional as well as physical health. Although, with so many essential oils available in the industry, you might get confused about which one to pick. Hence, we're here to provide you with a list of some of the most popular essential oils and their uses.

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by Dhwani Vora


The beautiful scent that rose has can help in reducing anxiety. This oil contains antioxidant properties which makes it helpful in the treatment of acne. Rose essential oil can even cause skin irritation but you need to use more carrier oil to dilute it when you apple it topically.

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Lavender is quite a popular essential oil amongst the lot. This one relaxes you and makes you sleep better due to its calming scent. This oil can also help alleviating headaches and helps reduce swelling and itchiness due to bug bites. The side effects of this oil are are but might occur, like vomiting, headaches, nausea and chills.

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04/5Roman chamomile

Roman chamomile is also very popular for its calming properties. It can very much help with eczema and skin inflammation. Although, you need to avoid this oil if you're allergic to ragweed, marigolds pr daisies.

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This one is also known as a tea tree oil which has anti-inflammatory as well as antibacterial properties. Right from bug bites to eczema, this oil can be used for anything. But make sure you don't ingest this oil as it can lead to digestive problems, dizziness and hives.

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