Indoor plants you should opt for if you want to add that touch of greenery to your house

Alisha Alam | Mar 9, 2020, 15:28 IST
Having a green thumb sure can work wonders for you if you're into gardening but that doesn't mean you can't opt for plants just because you're a newbie to the whole process of having plants at home. House plants are said to be able to remove toxins from the air by about 87% so imagine how well they can work for you. Plus they help spruce up the look of your house so this really is a win-win situation. If you're looking to add some indoor plants to your house, here are some you can opt for.

Aloe Vera: If you're a big beauty and skincare fanatic, aloe vera is just the plant you need to opt for. Its soothing properties can help significantly improve your skin's health and can give you a radiant glow unlike ever before. Do remember to do a patch test on your skin before using it though.

Peace Lily: This fabulous plant is known to be a powerful air purifier and can absorb ammonia, benzene, xylene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene.“But they are known to produce pollen and have a strong fragrance. So they are not ideally suited to people with plant and pollen-based allergies,” says an expert.

Eucalyptus: Although you may not think of eucalyptus as a house plant, it really can work wonders for you at home. From helping raise healthy fluids in the body’s air passages to getting rid of congestion in your nose and throat with its scent, there's a lot this plant can do to improve your health.

So, give these plants a try and see just how better you'll feel at home. Stay tuned for more updates.
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