Ingredients that will come to your rescue if you have sensitive teeth

Alisha Alam | Apr 18, 2019, 22:00 IST
Plenty of people suffer from sensitivity in their teeth. And while it may not seem like a rather huge problem, it can be quite uncomfortable. Imagine a sharp tingling sensation in your teeth every time you take a sip of something too cold or even too hot. This way, drinking cold water or hot coffee turns into a dilemma. The reason why teeth often get sensitive is because of the corrosion of the enamel present in them. This can occur due to a number of reasons like not brushing properly, or even brushing too hard. While you should visit and dentist and get your teeth checked, there are still a few common kitchen ingredients that can come to your rescue as well. Take a look at them:

- Turmeric: Turmeric or haldi as it is more commonly known is a rather common spice that is found in pretty much every Indian household. It contains curcumin which is known to relieve toothaches. Just make a paste of turmeric and water and rub it on your teeth to relieve the pain.

- Garlic: Rich in manganese, vitamin B6, vitamin C and copper, garlic also contains a compound called allicin. This compound contains antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that can help get rid of bacteria in the mouth.

- Saltwater: Now, you can just use saltwater (mix salt and water together) if you run out of mouthwash. All you need to do is swish some of it in your mouth and voila! The germs will be gone in no time. Do make sure that you use warm water though.

- Oil: We're sure you've at least heard of oil pulling. It happens to be this Ayurvedic technique which requires you to swish oil in your mouth for a few minutes. This is said to not only kill harmful bacteria but can even get rid of tooth sensitivity.

Well, now you know which ingredients you can use, so go try them for yourselves. Stay tuned for more updates.

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