International Masturbation Day: Surprising Facts You Didn’t Know About Masturbation

Deesha Bondre | May 28, 2019, 17:28 IST
In case you already didn’t know this, 28th of May is celebrated worldwide as International Masturbation Day – making it today. The annual event is also celebrated throughout the month of May, hoping to spread more awareness about masturbation. But before you put on your thinking caps and start to wonder, why it is celebrated, let’s take a quick history lesson.
In 1994, Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders was fired by President Clinton for suggesting masturbation should be a part of the curriculum. Clearly, Elders’s thoughts were ahead of its time, and as we have few of us squirming over the fact a day like ‘International Masturbation Day’ exists, a time for Elder’s fit for her time may not have come so. But there’s hope. Because every year, this day is celebrated in hopes to make people understand that masturbation isn’t just about pleasure, isn’t just about being promiscuous and is no way a taboo.
Masturbation is an essential part of every person’s initialization into their sexual lives. Ahead are some surprising facts about it.
- About one in seven women have never masturbated
A group of Swedish researchers conducted a survey to understand if there was a pattern in their sexual activities. 15% women made part of the group. Of course, age does hold true when it comes to the truth behind the number. Adults between the age 25-29 the most honest about their sexual activities. If those number holds true, 1 in seven women have never masturbated

- Women are more likely to use sex toys
The group of men and women were also asked if they used objects ( sex toys) for self-pleasure. 43% of women in the study responded as ‘sometimes’ compared to 13% of men. But on the other hand, men were twice as likely as women to say that they fantasise every time when they masturbated (a third of men said so, though the researchers didn’t seek to categorize types of fantasy).

- Girls and boys first masturbate in their early teens
The average age of first masturbation was 13.0 years for girls and 12.4 years for boys, according to the Swedish study.
- Married people are less likely to masturbate
According to a survey conducted by the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior (NSSHB) conducted by Indiana, the research team found that those respondents who were married were the least likely to say that they had masturbated over the past 90 days (57% of married men and 39% of married women).

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