Is consumption of rice fattening?

Nov 3, 2019, 15:25 IST
Rice is one of the most popular staple food around the world. It also happens to be one of the most consumed foods in the world. There a lot of misconceptions related to rice intake like it makes you fat and increases the blood sugar levels. The first thing that comes to everyone's mind when they decide to lose weight is to cut down rice consumption. High in carbohydrates, rice is considered as one the worst foods to have when trying to shed kilos. But is rice really fattening? Let's bust this myth forever.

All whole grains are made of three parts: Bran, Germ, and Endosperm.
Bran is a hard outer layer that protects the inner parts and is rich in fiber, minerals, and antioxidants. The germ is a nutrient-rich core, which contains carbs, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. The endosperm is the largest part of the grain and is entirely made of carbs with a small amount of protein.

As far as white rice is concerned, the research conducted to study the link between the consumption of white rice and weight gain is quite confusing. Some studies show that a dietary pattern high in refined grains like white rice can lead to weight gain and obesity, while a few other studies have found no connection between the consumption of white rice and obesity. In fact, white rice was linked with weight loss. This indicates that both kinds of rice can be included in your weight loss plan.

Weight gain actually depends on the portion of food you consume. All the foods we consume is nutrition-rich and benefits us in some or the other way. But it is the quantity of food you consume that actually harms you.

There is enough evidence to prove that rice is not fattening at all. It all depends on the quantity of rice you consume in a day.

Numerous studies have shown that serving food in a larger quantities or big container increases the intake, regardless of the type of food being served.

In order to decrease the intake of rice, serve it in a small bowl. Rice can be both fattening and weight loss friendly, it all depends on the serving size.

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