Is the Military Diet the new intense yet efficient way to lose weight?

Jehana Antia | Jul 17, 2018, 11:09 IST
There are several diets out there that one can follow if the need arises. However, not all are healthy and some even lead to several harmful effects on the body. Well, the newest diet we have come across on the Internet is called the Military Diet and today, we have brought you all that you need to know about it.

The Military Diet is more of a meal plan than anything else. The program bills itself as a "rapid weight-loss plan" that promises to help you lose "up to 10 pounds in one week without strenuous exercise or prescriptions." The Military Diet is a 3-day meal plan that outlines specific foods you are supposed to eat, including grapefruit, eggs, toast, peanut butter, tuna, coffee, green beans, bananas, apples, and saltine crackers. The plan does allow a few substitutes, however, it is pretty strict about what you can and cannot eat.

The diet says that it will help you lose weight by putting you in a calorie deficit. For example, day one is about 1,400 calories, day two is about 1,200 calories and so on. "Something this restrictive is definitely not sustainable and borders on being unhealthy," New York City-based dietitian Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD, told a leading lifestyle portal. "It's a bit scary that the 'off days' are 1,500 calories, which may still be a restriction compared to what some people eat in a normal day," she added.

Registered dietitian Amanda Baker Lemein, MS, RD, LDN, agreed too. She said, "Overall, I think this diet is another form of highly restrictive crash dieting. I do not recommend these types of diets as they are usually lacking in many important nutrients, like fibre and micronutrients, and they are so low in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables."

Should you try the Military Diet out? The diet seems like it's too restrictive, unsustainable, and potentially dangerous. However, in the end, it's your call.
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