Just broke up with someone? Here's how you can get past it

Alisha Alam | Jun 11, 2019, 16:30 IST
Breaking up with someone can pretty much classify as the worst feeling in the world. It makes you want to crawl into a cave and never step out. While some people just deny their emotions, others feel angry, hurt, grumpy, depressed and might even try self-harm in worst case scenarios. What people need to understand that a breakup is a breakup.

No matter what kind of relationship a person had, whether it was 2 months long or 2 years long, whether they were serious or it was just a fling, breaking up with someone can take a huge emotional toll on people's health and especially if they don't know how to deal with it.

“A breakup leads to a sense of loss. It is like trying to deal with the death of a relationship,” says psychologist Harsheen Arora. “A breakup is often accompanied by negativity causing one to suppress one’s feelings. It may prolong the normal grieving process, and sometimes one may plunge deep into depression,” says marriage counsellor Shivani Sadhoo.

And as much as people think that they may end up with someone forever, it is also best to set realistic expectations like how breaking up can be an inevitable part of the dating process. Sometimes relationships work and sometimes they just don't. But if like many other clueless people you too don't know how to get past a breakup, these tips will come in handy.

- Don't fight your feelings. Don't deny them either. Whatever you're feeling whether it's anger, hatred, or depression, you need to start addressing your feelings and accepting the fact that you might be feeling this way right now but you won't feel this way forever.

- Give yourself time to get over it. You can't just step out there and pretend that things are okay. Something has ended forever and if you need some time to mourn over it that's okay.

- Don't isolate yourself. As much as you may want to be alone, remember that if you're alone you're more prone to thinking negative thoughts. Share your feelings with your family and friends and let them help you feel better.

- Don't expect to get back together. The two of you have split up for a reason so you really shouldn't be thinking about getting back together with this person. Instead, you should focus on moving on from the relationship.

- Make a routine. If you've got a list that you need to follow every day it'll help take your mind off of other depressing thoughts. Until you feel like you're ready to slow down and live life to its fullest, try to follow a strict to-do list.

Well, we sure hope these tips will help you. Breakups are awful, but it's important to remember that life is more than just about one person. Stay tuned for more updates.

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