01/13Quinoa takes care of your overall health and these are the reasons why you must start eating it

A lot of people have begun to include quinoa in their diet and with each passing day, people are only becoming more and more conscious about their health. And if you're looking for healthy snack options, you must start with quinoa. It can boost your immunity and improves your digestion along with taking care of your overall health. What's more, it also contains a plethora of nutrients that will keep your health in check while also making you look younger. What more could you want? So, here are a few more reasons why you should include quinoa in your diet STAT.

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by Dhwani Vora

02/13High in minerals

A lot of people are unaware of this but there's a very high chance that their body lacks magnesium content which very essential. Quinoa is rich not only in magnesium but multiple other minerals like potassium and zinc which is what makes it really great for your health.

03/13Has a low glycemic index

Quinoa has a low glycemic index, which can help you maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Your risk of obesity is high if you regularly consume foods that are high on the glycemic index. This could also increase your risk of other serious health issues like heart disease and diabetes.

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Quinoa is ideal for those with gluten intolerance as it is a gluten-free product. If you are on a gluten-free diet, make sure to consume foods that are naturally gluten-free to maintain good health. If you are trying to reduce your intake of pasta and bread replace these items with quinoa in your diet.

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05/13Contains important plant compounds

Quinoa contains high amounts of plant compounds called quercetin and kaempferol, which are extremely beneficial for our health. They contain healing properties that are anti-inflammatory and anti-viral. Some studies suggest they could even protect against depression and cancer. Try and consume quinoa a few times a week to get the most out of it.

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06/13Very high in fibre

Quinoa contains high amounts of fibres which can work rather well to aid digestion in the body. In fact, it happens to be much higher in fibre content as compared to other grains. This fibre content can also help keep you satiated so you won't feel hungry for long durations.

07/13Contains high protein content

If you thought that plants don't have any proteins, think again! Quinoa is packed with proteins and also contains essential amino acids that help the body function properly. It ultimately makes for a great source of proteins for vegetarians and vegans.

08/13Controls blood sugar levels

Quinoa happens to be low on the glycemic index with a number amounting to 53. Foods that are high on the glycemic index make you feel hungry and can lead to obesity. Quinoa, on the other hand, can help keep you feeling full for longer and can control your blood sugar levels.

09/13High in antioxidants

Antioxidants are substances that can help combat toxins in the body and can also neutralise free radicals. This can help them combat many diseases while keeping others at bay. Quinoa happens to be packed in antioxidants so you can imagine just how good it is for your health.

10/13Weight Loss

One easy way to shed some weight is to eat quinoa. It is rich in fiber and low in calories with being high in volume. This will help in keeping you feeling full for longer duration which eventually cuts down weight.

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