Link between obesity and brain size discovered

Darielle Britto | Mar 14, 2019, 13:44 IST
A new study has found a link between obesity and the size of your brain. Researchers from the American Academy of Neurology conducted the study.

The team investigated the connection between the two by examining data on close to 9,000 people, whose ages were all around 55-years-old.

The team made note of every individual's body mass index (BMI) and waist-to-hip ratio. They also examined the participants' brain volume by using MRI scans.

Experts say a person’s intelligence does not depend on the size of their brain. However, results from the study showed obese people have smaller brains and lower levels of gray matter - part of the brain that manages muscle control, memory, sensory perception and speech.

“What they found out in this study was, that whether you take BMI or whether you take the waist-to-hip ratio, they’re both related to higher BMI, and waist-to-hip ratio are related to smaller brain volumes,” Dr Jagan Pillai told a news portal.

While the results of the study have shown a link between the two, questions still remain about whether body fat impacts or causes changes in the brain. Further research is needed to investigate the matter.

Obesity is a big concern as it can result in serious health issues like diabetes, heart disease, cancer, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease.
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