01/5Confused between love and emotions ? Find out the truth here

Love is probably the best thing that could happen to you. You and your partner love spending time together. There’s no time when don’t want me near your partner. Probably your partner is the happiest thing that can cheer you at any point in time. But, are you are that it is love and not a mere emotional dependency? It is quite normal to be confused between these two aspects of a relationship. Being emotionally dependant on your beau means you always need them to make you happy or complete. This can make you feel vulnerable in their absence and cause a lack of self-esteem. In no means an emotional bias towards your partner is good for both, your relationship and you. More than the fear of losing your partner, you might lose your true self in this process of seeking validation. Still not sure if you’re becoming emotionally dependant? Look out for these signs.

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by Sneha Biswas

02/5Your partner is the ONLY person around you

Are you someone who no more hangout with their friends or family ever since you got into a relationship? This might be because you think only ONE person can make you happy. This might create total dependency.

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03/5Your partner is your ONLY priority

If you happen to cancel out plans for your partner or always create plans around your partner, then chances are you are overly attached.

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It is not at all healthy to get jealous if your partner decides to spend time with friends and family over you.

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05/5Anxiety and stress

Thinking about spending days without your partner giving you anxiety and stress? You might also experience the same emotions when you can’t control your partner or relationship

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