01/20These yoga postures can help you lose weight

Almost everyone wants to lose weight. For many, shedding those extra pounds is a must as not doing so can lead to a host of health issues. While there are many ways to go about losing weight, one of the best forms is by practising the art of yoga. There are specific asanas that can help tackle issues with weight and yield results fast. Here are some of the popular yoga postures that can help you lose weight. Practise these poses with care and proper guidance.

by Darielle Britto

02/20Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskara)

Surya Namaskar is one of the popular yoga poses many people practise to lose weight. This ancient practice can do wonders for your body and help you lose weight in the process. Once you master this asana, your body will transform and become more flexible, fit and strong.

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03/20Bow (Dhanurasana)

The bow pose may look intimidating, but over time you will get the hang of it. After all, they say practice makes perfect. This yoga pose helps to give your abdominal organs a nice massage, which can help to improve digestion. It also has amazing benefits for thighs, chest and back. You'll start to feel stronger as you build your way up to it.

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04/20Downward Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

Practising the down dog pose regularly is a great way to tone your body. This asana also makes your arms, back and thighs a lot stronger over time. Make sure to take deep breaths while you are in this pose.

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05/20Garland Pose (Malasana)

This pose is especially great for people who sit down a lot for most of their day. The garland pose gives your body a good stretch and primarily works on your hip muscles,groin and thighs. It also helps to make your body more flexible and toned. However, consult with an expert before trying this pose if you suffer from hip or knee pain.

by Darielle Britto

06/20Twisted Chair (Parivrtta Utkatasana)

The Parivrtta Utkatasana, a.k.a the twisted chair, is a version of a squat. This pose works on your abs, glutes and quads. It is also a great pose to practise if you have digestive issues. It may seem easy, but this pose packs a punch and can help you lose a significant amount of weight in no time.

by Darielle Britto

07/20Warrior III (Virabhadrasana C)

If you want a toned derrière (especially now that it is summer), then this is the yoga pose you should be practising. The Warrior III not only takes you a step further in achieving a toned figure, but it will also help to make your legs, back and arms strong. If you'd like to take it a step further, make sure while you hold this pose that you contract your abs.

by Darielle Britto

08/20Warrior II Pose

The Warrior II pose aids weight loss because it helps to make the hip, chest and legs strong. It also provides loads of energy to the body and improves blood circulation. The first step of this pose is to turn the right toes facing the right wall. Next, bend the right knee over the ankle of the same side. Next, sink your hips down towards the floor and reach out to the front by stretching your arms out. Hold this pose for at least six breaths. Once you are done, gently come out of the pose.

by Darielle Britto

09/20Seated Forward Bend

Seated Forward Bend gives you a full body workout, which helps to stretch and tone your body. Performing this workout regularly will help shape up your legs, shoulders and abdomen. The first thing you need to do to practise this pose is to sit on the floor and stretch your legs. Make sure your feet are six inches apart from each other. Next, hold on to your toes with your hands and lower your body as much as you can. Stay in this position for at least 30 seconds and breathe.

by Darielle Britto

10/20Boat Pose

This pose is great if you want to lose weight around your hips, stomach and hips. To do this pose, you need to first sit on the floor and stretch your legs out. Next, lean back just a little and stretch your arms out. Lift your legs and hold this pose for at least 20 seconds. Over time try and hold this pose for a minute. Once you have completed the asana, release the legs and sit up straight.

by Darielle Britto