Lose weight in three weeks with a milk diet

Dhwani Vora | May 8, 2019, 12:55 IST
All the milk lovers, if you're looking for a weight loss diet and also want to keep milk in the diet, say no more. We've got you covered with nothing but milk in the diet for just three weeks. Yep, you read that right! There is a diet plan that has lots of milk throughout the whole day. And if you didn't know about this milk diet yet, we've love to tell you that it is slowly becoming popular for those who want to lose weight. But if you think gulping down a few glasses of milk in the entire day will do you any good, then you need to educate yourself a little more on this milk diet plan.

Initially, the milk diet was constructed for healing the body and curing health issues, not at all for weight loss. And since obesity is a real painful issue, this very diet was tweaked a little to make it work for weight issues as well.

Now, why milk you ask? Milk contains a lot of benefits for your overall health. As we all know that milk is very rich in calcium it helps in getting rid of fat deposition in the body. Other than that, milk cuts down calorie intake and also helps in shedding those extra kilos quicker than usual. Milk tends to make you feel full for a long time which means it controls your appetite quite nicely and also gives you enough energy for the daily chores. Also, drinking skim milk for losing weight is much better than drinking other beverages.

So here's the three-week milk diet plan that is going to work wonders for you if you're looking to lose weight:

First week:

Once you get up early in the morning, you could have a warm cup of water with a teaspoon of honey and half a lemon's juice.
After which you proceed to have a glass of fat-free double toned milk with a boiled egg and one multigrain break but without butter.
For lunch you could have a glass of vegetable smoothie and chicken or tuna salad prepped in olive oil.
In the evenings, you could have a glass of fat-free milk.
For dinner you could opt for vegetable prepared in minimum oil and grilled fish.
And to end the day, you need to have a glass of double toned milk at least 30 minutes before bedtime.

Second week:

You should start your early morning by sipping on some green tea without salad.
For breakfast you could have a glass of fat-free milk, a banana, a boiled or scrambled egg.
Choose to eat grilled fish and two chapatis for lunch.
Around 4 pm, you could sip on a glass of milk.
For dinner opt for a bowl of butter-less chicken soup or grilled mushroom and veggies.
Before you hit the bed, you could have a cup of double-toned milk with half a teaspoon of turmeric.

Third week:

For the last week, you could have a cup of warm water with honey and lemon juice early in the morning.
Breakfast could be a cup of fat free milk with one 2 boiled eggs and 4 soaked almonds.
For lunch you can choose to eat grilled fish paired with fruit salad or half cup of milk along with a grilled vegetable sandwich.
Around evening time, you can opt for 3 to 4 soaked almonds with a glass of fat-free milk.
Dinner should consist of mushroom clear soup or sauteed veggies and tofu.
Before bed, a cup of fat-free milk with half a teaspoon of turmeric would be just right.
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