Low-carb food items that help you stay healthy and shed some kilos too

Dhwani Vora | Jun 18, 2019, 12:59 IST
Every person who ever wants to shed some kilos starts cutting down on carbs the first thing on the list. But maintaining a diet entirely card-free is not the healthiest option to pick. Instead, you should be finding ways to stay fit while still consuming some amount of carbs because your body demands it. And one smart way to keep on some carb in your diet is to choose a list of healthy low-carb foods that you can consume on a daily basis. These carbs will help you watch your waistline while also provide your body with the necessary vitamins and nutrients.

- Watermelon: Watermelon is one of the juiciest fruits you can ever have and this one tasty fruit comes in handy as a low-card food. However, you need to consume it in moderation so that you can watch the sugar that goes in your body. Make a delicious watermelon smoothie if you think munching on some diced fruit is too cliche.

- Broccoli: The vegetable that's got a lot of popularity for all the right reasons. Broccoli is packed with nutrients like fibers and vitamin B6 which is very essential for your healthy body. It's the kind of low-carb food that can keep your heart healthy and you can always come up with various ways to make a dish out of it.

- Green beans: If you still haven't paid heed to your mum asking you to start eating green beans, you probably should now. A cup full of green beans works wonders as a low-carb food with the right amount of fiber and nutrients in just one meal.

- Red bell pepper: This one's got a fair amount of sugar but sure works well as a low-carb food as it contains just nine grams of carbs per cup. Not to forget, it's got anti-inflammatory benefits and also has antioxidants.

- Spinach: The great old Popeye sure taught the kids to eat some spinach and we don't question why. This leafy greens has seven grams of carbs and a negligible amount of sugar with four grams of fiber. This means spinach is great way to stay on a low-carb diet and you can very much get rid of the pesky belly fat.

- Popcorn: No, not the buttery, flavoured ones that you get in the movie theatre. We're talking about the plain, air-popped ones that are surprisingly nutritious. These popcorn has more fiber than sugar and makes for an ideal snack if you're someone who is looking to lose some weight. You can top it with some olive oil and sprinkle some parmesan cheese or oregano to add some taste.

- Greek yogurt: If nothing works for you, make sure you include some plan non-fat Greek yogurt in your daily diet. The protein in this one will keep you healthy and will also remain low on carbs.

Start with these healthy options for a low-carb diet and you'll notice some change in your body soon!
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