Lower your blood pressure with these calcium-rich foods

Darielle Britto | Feb 20, 2019, 12:02 IST
High blood pressure can increase the risk of heart and kidney diseases. Managing the condition is crucial to avoid such serious health issues. One of the ways to tackle this problem is by consuming foods that can lower your blood pressure. Foods that are high in calcium help you manage the condition because it helps the release of hormones and enzymes our bodies require to function properly.

Here are some calcium-rich foods to add to your diet in order to lower blood pressure:

1. Tofu: It is a great source of calcium. You can have it in salads, sandwiches or even eat it raw. It is a great option, particularly for vegans.

2. Cheese: While it is rich in calcium, it is also high in vitamin B. This helps the bones to more easily absorb the calcium. However, consume cheese moderately as some processed cheese contain loads of salt and calories.

3. Almonds: 22 nuts can deliver approximately 8 percent of the RDI for calcium. It is also rich in healthy fats, protein, magnesium, complex carbs and omega 3 fatty acids.

4. Milk: It is one of the most common sources of calcium people opt to have. If you are lactose intolerant or cannot have dairy, try coconut or soya milk.

5. Figs: You can get 241 mg of calcium from just one cup of dried figs. Figs are also high in antioxidants and fibre. You can consume it in a smoothie.

6. Chia seeds: Two tablespoons of chia seeds can give you close to 179mg of calcium. It can also help you lose weight. Toss it in a salad, soup or smoothie.
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