01/5List of thing you need to change in your house to make it safe for your older parents

Similar to babyproofing the house for your toddler, you must make your house senior-friendly for your aging parents. They must have taken every precaution to ensure you are away from every danger, now it’s your turn to ensure their safety. As parents get old, their senses get weak. It is easy for them to hurt themselves even when they’re at home. Adopt these few changes in your house to make it safe haven for your elders.

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by Sneha Biswas

02/5Bedroom changes

Bedrooms must have ample space for your old parents to walk comfortably. Hand railings or handles near the bed can help them to provide support. However, it is best to avoid sharp-edged furniture.

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03/5Ample light

Make sure your house is well lit and not gloomy or dark. Old people suffer from poor vision hence you must ensure you have lights all over the house. From the entrance to the bathroom, one must also pay extra attention to the staircase to prevent accidents.

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04/5Avoid slippery floor

Super polished or smoothened flooring can be a disaster for elders. You can place slip-resistant flooring to avoid any mishaps.

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05/5Well-arranged and labeled cupboards

Forgetfulness is a common effect of aging. To make it easier for your seniors, arrange all the necessities with labels. It will make cupboards and drawers more accessible to them.

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