Make use of these home remedies to cure skin mites

Dhwani Vora | Sep 19, 2019, 17:40 IST
A lot of us have a clean face and we think washing it regularly will keep it safe from all the pollution and infections. But what we don't realize is that our face has a lot of parasites. These live on our skin and live off your skin oil. They are called as skin mites or face mites. These mites aren't visible at all and don't even cause any trouble. In fact, a healthy balance of mites on your skin can help you keep your skin healthy. But when there is an imbalance in the number of mites, it can cause troubles to your skin. Now, you can't completely get rid of these mites but an imbalance can cause skin infections and conditions. In this case, home remedies work the best to improve your skin and find the balance it needs. Although, it's always a safe option to consult a doctor or see a dermatologist before you start using any of the home remedies to treat your skin mites.

Here are a few home remedies to treat your skin mites:

- Tea tree oil: This can help kill the mites and also helps in reduction of the number of mites you have in your skin. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil and massage it gently on your face. Let it sit for a half an hour before you wash it off.

- Neem: This one has a lot of medicinal properties. It has anti-bacterial properties and is s great antiseptic. It can help you clear your skin of any kind of infections and bacteria. Neem is also used for many skin issues. You can make a smooth paste of neem or neem oil that can help you maintain a healthy balance of skin mites.

- Clove oil: Clove is very well known for its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. You can use it to get rid of skin infections that are caused by skin mites. Mix a little clove essential oil with a carrier oil and apply it on your face gently. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes before you wash it off with a face wash.

- Turmeric: A great ingredient that has many medicinal properties which are used for healing purposes. Turmeric can soothe your skin and kill skin mites. Make a paste from turmeric powder and neem or clove essential oil mixed along with carrier oil. You can apply this on your face and let it alone to dry before you wash it off completely.

These home remedies will definitely help in balancing out the skin mites and keep your skin healthy.
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