Make your own glitter mask at home with the help of this trick!

Alisha Alam | Apr 17, 2020, 13:23 IST
Okay, let's be honest, now that you're stuck at home all day long, we're sure you've tried all kinds of DIYs to help your skin and hair look fabulous. And while facials and head massages are always welcome, we all know the importance of a peel-off mask. Whether it's getting rid of dead skin cells or making sure your pores are squeaky clean, peel-off masks can work wonders for your skin. Add to that a bunch of glitter and it makes things so much better.

But of course, just because you want to opt for a glitter peel-off mask doesn't mean you can actually step out to go buy it from the market during this time. So, what should you do? Make your own glitter mask at home of course! And here's how you can do it.

The ingredients you'll need for this mask are any peel-off mask (we prefer charcoal masks), Glitter chunks and loose glitter. You'll also need to find a clean place to make the mask and a bowl and brush to help apply the mask.

Now, to get started, take the bowl and add a good amount of the peel-off mask to it. Then, add a spoonful of the glitter chunks and loose glitter to it. Mix all these ingredients well and voila! Your glitter peel-off mask is ready to be used. Now that was simple, wasn't it? You then have to apply the mask to your face using the brush. Leave it on until it dries and then peel it off.

Glitter masks are often pretty expensive even though they might not work much differently than a normal peel-off mask. So, you can always just opt for this recipe instead. It'll work just the same and it'll make sure to save you from burning a hole in your pocket! Stay tuned for more updates.

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