Mascara mistakes you really need to stop making

Alisha Alam | Jul 31, 2020, 09:19 IST
No one is born a makeup artist, we all learn to do things slowly and gradually. And that means a lot of trial and error (mostly error) goes into learning how to perfect your makeup look. It's difficult for beginners to know exactly how beauty products can be used to give them the ultimate beauty look that they want and one of the most common mistakes people make is with mascara. So, if you feel like your mascara game is still not on point, here are some mascara mistakes you might be making. Take a look.

Not wiping the excess product off the wand - Ever noticed how the mascara wand always has some extra product on it? Well, if you don't wipe that off, it's going to definitely end up smudging the inner corners of your eyes. And we all know how difficult it can be to remove smudged mascara without ruining the rest of your makeup too. So, use a tissue to wipe all that extra product before you use the wand on your lashes.

Not wiggling the wand - Applying mascara in one straight line on your lashes is really not going to help out with anything. You have to wiggle the wand through your lashes so that it ensures the product gets distributed evenly and makes your lashes look plumper and fuller.

Not using multiple coats - Yet another mistake you're making is to not use enough coats. Mascara doesn't help if you simply put on 1-2 coats of it. You need to apply at least 3-5 coats for it to make a significant difference and help your lashes look fuller. Make sure to separate your lashes with a spoolie first and then start applying the mascara. Once you've put on enough coats, you'll notice just how beautiful your lashes look.

So, now that you know what mistakes you're probably making, we suggest you keep in them in mind and try again. Stay tuned for more updates.
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