Men, here's what you need to do for a better love life

Alisha Alam | Sep 17, 2018, 17:13 IST
A new study has found that men who speak faster, may have better love lives than men who don't. In this age, with technology, it has become increasingly easier to connect with people online. And many men use this as an advantage to try and figure out how they can improve their dating lives. While most people focus on grooming and enhancing their personality, communication still remains a crucial aspect of the dating world. As per this new study, it can be believed that women favour quick-witted men.

This means that men need to be smarter with their communication techniques these days. It was also found in the study that articulate women seemed to have better sex lives. Experts feel that chat-up lines put a man's brainpower on display. Plus some previous research also shows that men who lie speak more slowly and with pauses as they try to conjure up a fictional story. The study also found that men who had a lower voice tone were more attractive to women whereas men with a high voice tone were associated with trustworthiness. Stay tuned for more updates.

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