Mistakes that are hindering your hair growth!

Alisha Alam | Aug 17, 2020, 11:53 IST
Hair texture and growth rate obviously varies from person to person and while some people tend to grow out their hair rather quickly, for others, it can be a tedious task. But while factors like genetics and hormones can play a role in hindering hair growth rate, sometimes it's just something that you're doing wrong. There are chances that you might be making some silly mistakes that aren't letting your hair grow as quickly as it should. Here are some mistakes that you should look out for.

Overwashing your hair - A lot of us (especially with oily scalp) tend to wash our hair too often. And this is a big no-no. You're not supposed to wash your hair more than twice or thrice a week because over-washing your hair can strip it of its natural oils. And this, in turn, can lead to your scalp producing even more oil to compensate. It ultimately turns into a really weird cycle where your hair always ends up being oily and greasy.

Using the wrong shampoo - Some people suggest that one must always switch their shampoo every six months but let us tell you, that really doesn't do your hair any good. Of course, you should experiment with shampoos until you find one that best suits your hair but once you've found it, stick to it and don't opt for other shampoos.

Applying conditioner on your scalp - Your scalp already produces oil that moisturises it so you don't need to condition your scalp. The rest of your hair needs to be conditioned since there's nothing moisturising it otherwise. If you're applying conditioner to your scalp, it's going to end up clogging your pores and follicles and will just make your hair look super greasy. Plus the chemicals in the conditioner might also damage your hair on your scalp.

So, now that you know what mistakes you might be making, we suggest you stop ASAP. Stay tuned for more updates.
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