Naps can counter the effects of sleep-deprivation, study states

Alisha Alam | Mar 14, 2019, 11:19 IST
Do you feel tired and lethargic even after you've had your morning coffee? Do you sometimes find yourself dozing off at work in the middle of the day? Well, it turns out you're not alone. Sleep deprivation has turned into a serious problem and health experts are beginning to get concerned. “Many people sacrifice sleep for other pursuits, but what they don’t always realise is that sleep facilitates learning, memory, creativity, problem-solving and productivity,” said one psychologist.

This is where a nap comes in. Experts spoke about how even during the old ages, people would take naps in the afternoon and then resume working in the evening. “As a general rule, we should not need to sleep at any other time other than the designated nocturnal sleep period,” said an expert from a sleep centre. However, most people do need to take naps because they don't practice the right sleep hygiene. He said that a well-calculated mid-day nap should do wonders for your health.

“A 20 to 30-minute nap should get you enough restoration to gain a second wind. But any more than this will result in you entering the deepest sleep stage, which is generally difficult to rouse from,” he explains. A furniture brand in Dubai also predicted that clean sleeping is the key to getting a good night's sleep. They suggest that one should get rid of all the clutter from their bedroom. The bed should indirectly face the door, there should be enough natural lighting during the day and one should ideally opt for black-out curtains during the night.

Even the artwork in the room matters. They said it should be romantic and non-violent. Moreover, it's best to opt for things that blend together so your bed, covers, cushions should all blend with the decor. So, try these tips and see whether they work for your sleep cycle.

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