National Lipstick Day 2019: Ways in which you can opt for DIY lipsticks like a pro!

Alisha Alam | Jul 29, 2019, 16:08 IST
Lipstick is one of the most common and handy products to have in your bag. It comes to your rescue every time you need to spice things up a little with your look. And let's be honest, all you need is a little lipstick to help spruce up your day and make you feel all peppy. We've all got that one shade that we absolutely love. But unfortunately, we're not always able to get a shade that works best for our skin tone.

And we're sure you know that lipstick can either make or break your look which is why it's essential to pick out a shade that actually works for you. If you're tired of experimenting with expensive stuff from outside, fret not for here's how you can opt for DIY lipsticks like a pro!

Food colouring: One of the easiest ways to make your own lipstick is to add some food colouring to a tablespoon of coconut oil or cocoa butter. Pick a colour of your choice like red or pink and try this one out. Mix these ingredients and leave it in the fridge to cool in a container of your choice and voila! Your lipstick is ready.

Wax crayons: Did you know you could use non-toxic wax crayons to make your own lipstick? Pour one tablespoon of coconut oil in a bowl. Cut small pieces of a crayon and put it in the oil. Next, bring a pot of water to a low boil and then place the glass bowl into the water in such a way that it stays atop the water. Your crayon will slowly melt and blend with the coconut oil to give you a gorgeous colour. Pour this mixture into a container and let it set. Your lipstick is now ready.

Blush or eye shadow: Choose a blush or an eyeshadow and crush up some powder from it into a tablespoon of oil or shea/cocoa butter. Mix these ingredients well and put the mixture in the fridge to let it set. Once done, you'll end up with a gorgeous lipstick.

Well, what are you waiting for? Go make your own shade! Stay tuned for more updates.

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