New study reveals how cheat meals can help you lose weight

Darielle Britto | Mar 4, 2019, 15:30 IST
A new study has found cheat meals can actually help you lose weight. Giving up the foods that might not be good for us can be hard at the start of our weight loss journey. However, a new study claims you can have your cake and eat too.

Researchers from the University of Tasmania made the discovery after conducting a study on 51 obese men for four weeks. Participants were divided into two groups.

1. Group 1: Followed a diet for two weeks. However, the next two weeks they put no restrictions on their calories.

2. Group 2: Followed a strict diet for four weeks.

The results showed group one lost more weight than group 2.

When you diet, it creates a calorie deficit because you are eating less than what you burn daily. Your body has to use stored fats to keep your energy levels up. This can result in weight loss or could stall the process. The hormone Leptin makes you feel full. Dieting for a long time can reduce leptin levels and make it more sensitive. This sensitivity can make you feel more hungry.

However, cheat meals can help give your metabolism and convinces your body that you have stopped dieting. This helps to release insulin and increase the leptin in your brain and ultimately make you feel satisfied. Having cheat meals regularly can also help you consume fewer calories.

So go ahead and take the time to indulge in food you've been craving. You can enjoy it guilt-free and stay on track with your weight loss goals.

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