01/7Lessons all you parents need to teach your kids

Health is Wealth: You need to teach your kids that the most important thing in their life is good health. Teach them the importance of eating good and healthy food and educate them about how exercise is vital in leading a healthy life.

by Alisha Alam

02/7Cleanliness is a must

Children tend to keep getting dirty when they play outside or go about their day to day chores. Teach them the basics like washing their hands before and after they eat, brushing their teeth twice a day, regular baths etc. Tell them why it's important to stay clean and watch how much of a difference it can make.

by Alisha Alam

03/7Sleep on time

Remember when you were a kid and you never wanted to go to bed? Your child might probably be like that too owing to all the energy he/she has. Make your children understand that going to bed early and waking up early is a crucial part of a daily routine. This way they can create a pace at which things work for them and it'll help them form a proper timetable.

by Alisha Alam

04/7Manners Maketh Man

This is a pretty basic thing that plenty of children lack. Unless you teach your children how to behave, they won't know the difference either. Teach them basic things like saying thank you and please and sorry. These small things will become stepping stones in turning them into decent human beings.

by Alisha Alam

05/7Be Honest

Teach your kids early on that honesty is the best policy. The kids of this generation are a lot smarter than the ones before and they can pick up lies easily. So, teach them the importance of honesty by having a good, honest conversation with them. Tell them how honesty can help build up trust between individuals which is why it's so important.

by Alisha Alam

06/7Sharing is caring

This is one value you need to teach your children from a very young age. They need to know that not everyone in the world is as fortunate as they are and that not everybody has enough, which is why they need to learn to share. It is a great virtue that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives.

by Alisha Alam

07/7Helping others

This is something your child can only learn by observing you. If they see their parents helping someone, they'll naturally pick up on the virtue as well. Teach your children that this is a good deed that will stay with them for as long as they live.

by Alisha Alam