01/6Relationship going awry? Watch out for these red flags

Blame it on films or on our society in general or multiple other factors that we're always taught to learn to compromise. Whether it's a job or our freedom to make our own choices of even relationships, we are taught that we must make an effort to always keep things afloat. But when it comes to relationships, you need to be extra careful about certain things. You might simply be ignoring them because you're conditioned to or because you're so in love but these things could eventually turn out to be a hindrance to your relationship. So, if you feel like your relationship has been going awry, here are some red flags you should watch out for.

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by Alisha Alam

02/6They can't stop praising themselves

Not only is this a toxic trait but it can also be super annoying. Your partner might only be interested in self-praise and might also turn any situation into talking about themselves. And let's be honest, no one wants to only listen to someone talk about themself all the time. So, keep this in mind and try to notice whether your partner behaves this way.

03/6Your partner has tremendous mood swings

It's likely for people to be annoyed about things every once in a while; you might feel that way too sometimes. But if you've noticed that your partner has extreme mood swings and can end up treating you like a punching bag then this is a major red flag. Everyone needs to learn how to deal with their emotions; your partner included.

04/6Your partner is super clingy

Just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean you and your partner have to be joined at the hip all the time. It's always good to have some personal space and time to yourself even when you're dating. So, if your partner is super clingy to the extent that you want to push them away, think of it has a huge red flag.

05/6He doesn't pay attention when you're talking

Does your partner seem to ignore you when you're having a conversation with them? Do they roll their eyes at you? Do they scoff when you say something they might not agree with? If the answers to these questions are yes, then your partner is displaying major red flag behaviour.

06/6Your partner is really bad with finances

Although everyone has their own abilities when it comes to dealing with money, some people are just terrible at saving it. If you've noticed that your partner tends to spend more than they can earn and that they don't pay heed to your suggestions then this is a major red flag.