01/10Just like mental symptoms, there are physical symptoms of anxiety as well

One might know a lot about health conditions, it's signs and how to cure them. But there's just so much about it that there's always a little that you wouldn't know of. Likewise, you might know a lot about what anxiety is and how it's hitting every single person with the kind of lifestyle that we've all developed. You might also know the mental symptoms of anxiety and how to naturally cure them. But, like we mentioned, there's always going to be a little information that might go unnoticed. And that's where we say, you wouldn't necessarily know about the physical symptoms of anxiety. Yes, there are many symptoms of anxiety that a person feels physically and which you can very much notice in someone to help them out. So look out for these symptoms and be a help to someone who actually needs it.

by Dhwani Vora


For people suffering from anxiety, restlessness can get uncontrollable. It comes out of the energetic feeling in the limbs which causes the urge to move which can't be controlled. Shaking of legs or finding another influx of energy are symptoms of the same.

by Dhwani Vora


Anxiety can end up filling high-energy but can still result in fatigue. But since a lot of energy is spent in feeling restless, muscle tension and racing thoughts, anxiety can hit severe fatigue. People might even feel fatigue after panic attack or other incidents.

by Dhwani Vora

04/10Feeling too hot or cold

Since the person starts feeling anxious, their body might start feeling altered circulation which gives out hot flashes which are really rare. The narrowing of blood vessels can affect the body's temperature. This is why the person might start feeling hot when anxiety hits them. And for some people, their body starts sweating regardless of the temperature they're surrounded in. And this makes them feel too cold out of anxiousness.

by Dhwani Vora

05/10Chest pain

Chest pain can occur due to heart attack as well as acid reflux. And it is very much a physical symptom for people suffering from anxiety as well. This might be because of the anxiety putting pressure on the heart to work better.

by Dhwani Vora


When you start feeling anxious, you break down to nervous sweating. People start sweating in response to anxiety which comes out as a reaction to the circulation changes. It's when their heart rate speeds up and blood vessels constrict, the body temperature rises. And to cool it down, the body starts sweating no matter what the temperature of the surrounding.

by Dhwani Vora


When people start to feel anxiety, their body perceives fear even when there's none or very little threat. This results in trembling or shaking of hands. This is because the fight or flight response sends a message to the person's brain to prepare the muscles to take an action. This is when their muscles start to twitch or shake.

by Dhwani Vora

08/10Rapid breathing

Some people suffering from anxiety might experience a change in breathing patterns. The breathing might get shorter and shallower. Once this happens, people try to breathe deep to get more oxygen, but it might just worsen it. The problem here isn't too little oxygen but too much.

by Dhwani Vora


It's not always in the person's mind, but the person might actually start feeling dizzy out of an anxious mind. The inner ear and specific areas of the brain are responsible for your sense of balance. Parts of the brain that are related to anxiety are also somehow related to the areas of the brain that keeps you balanced spatially. Hence, a lot of people get sudden onsets of dizziness when they start feeling anxious.

by Dhwani Vora

10/10Muscle tension

Now, there might be more than one reason behind muscle tension. But for people with anxiety, it can become quite common. It sure is a little confusing to understand why this is connected, but muscles that are tends under stress might tend to get more chronic for people living with anxiety. This muscle tension can result in back pain or other ailments.

by Dhwani Vora