Prevent your hair from tangling by practicing these things

Dhwani Vora | Updated: Jun 3, 2020, 12:36 IST
It sucks to have a bad hair day. And it sucks even more when it continues for a few more day. The good mood automatically changes to bad mood and then it reflects on how good or bad our day is going to be because of our mood. And for what? Just bad hair days? Now, to talk about the bad hair, there could be some reasons that could damage the hair quality. A few knots here and there each morning, once you wake up is fine, but to deal with badly tangled hair every single morning is when you should know you have a problem.There are few ways to prevent hair tangling, provided you follow them correctly everyday.

This is what you can do to help your hair:

- Split ends and dry hair can be a big reason for all that hair tangling. Make sure you get a trim at regular internals in order to stay away from rough ends.

- If you have an extremely dry mane, it could result in hair knots. Your hair cuticles need to have enough moisture in them to not let your hair tangle. Make sure you condition your hair and keep them moisturized at all times. Even oiling your hair is as important as conditioning them.

- Try and sleep with your hair tied in a braid as leaving them open will cause friction which might get tangled by morning.

- If you're using a lot of hair styling tools and heated equipment, reduce the use of it and see how it makes a difference to your tangled hair. Limit the use of these tools if you wish to have a good hair quality.

- Even a humid atmosphere can tangle your hair. The easiest way to deal with this is to learn a few hairstyles to keep your hair safe from knots. Braid your hair or tie them in a bun when it's too humid. This will ensure protection of your hair.
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