01/5All the goodness that hing water alone can bring to your health

Hing or asafoetida is one of the most common spices in the Indian households. It adds great flavour to your food and also works best as a digestive. Other than this, hing has a lot of great health benefits. It's not just to add good flavour to your curries and veggies but also to improve your overall health. Hing has anti-viral and anti-inflammatory properties that work best for your health. You only have to mix half a teaspoon of hing powder in a glass full of war water and sip on it on an empty stomach for all the goodness that it can bring to you.

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by Dhwani Vora

02/5Helps with weight loss

This water also helps with metabolism. A higher metabolic rate will only mean better weight loss. You can drink this water when you wish to lose weight. It helps in keeping the bad cholesterol of your body in control and also doesn't let it affect your heart.

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03/5Prevents cold

If you catch a cold too often, hing water will come to your rescue. It keeps the respiratory issues at bay and also prevents you from catching cold.

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04/5Improves digestion

Hing can help you deal with digestion problems. Consuming hing helps with flushing out all the harmful toxins from your digestive tract which usually leads to indigestion problems. It also regulates the process of digestion and brings the pH level of the stomach to normal.

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05/5Helps with menstrual pain

If you have really painful periods, hing water can help in soothing the pain down. It is a great remedy to get rid of back and lower abdomen pain. Hing water works as a blood thinner and helps in a smoother flow of blood in the body. This in turn gives relief from period pain.

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