01/6A silk pillowcase is a serious beauty upgrade. Find out why!

Whoever coined the term ‘beauty sleep’ were probably sleeping on a silk pillowcase. Because the last time we slept on a regular pillow with a regular pillowcase, our face had an impression of the pillow case on it, our hair were frizzier and our face was puffier. Clearly, the regular sleep you had, barely had any beauty benefits. Your regular sleep needs a beauty upgrade to get all those beauty benefits everyone has been talking about. A silk pillowcase is the gateway product to get all those beauty benefits. We promise you, it goes beyond just having softer hair. A silk pillowcase is an extremely underrated investment. Here are all the reasons you should be getting a silk pillowcase.

by Deesha Bondre

02/6Reduces chemical exposure

Most of the fabrics that you purchase from the market come from chemically intensive crops that require pesticides, herbicides and other chemical treatments that can actually prove to be harmful to your skin in the long run. Silk, on the other hand, is produced from domesticated silkworms that are bred and raised in captivity. Owing to this, they are hardly ever exposed to any chemicals and the fibres that are made using this silk are almost 100% natural.

03/6Reduce bed head and split ends

Who has those days where they sleep with their hair smoothened out, but wake up to a frizzy mess? Yup, all of us. A silk pillowcase causes less friction and infact smoothens hair the more it brushes against the pillowcase. This reduces the probability of getting bed hair. Moreover, due to the less friction, it also reduces instances like split ends!

04/6Help your skin retain moisture

If you struggle with your skin staying moisturised, you should especially consider using a silk pillowcase. Silk helps retain moisture on skin. It could easily one of the most hydrating fabrics out there. Sleeping on a silk pillowcase will also maintain your skin’s natural moisture.

05/6Keep your face healthy

Huge on skincare, but still struggling to contain those breakouts? It’s probably your pillowcase. After all, your face is directly in contact with it. A silk pillowcase will allow a smoother place for your face to rest, leading it to rest well and remain refreshed and glowing!

06/6It’s naturally hypoallergenic

Your night time skincare products are not designed to protect skin from natural substances like dust mites, fungus and mold, basically all the things you will definitely find on a cotton pillowcase. Silk has hypoallergenic properties, which basically prevent it from attracting these harmful natural substances.