Rose Day 2019: All you need to know about the significance of different coloured roses

Alisha Alam | Feb 7, 2019, 15:36 IST
Love is in the air yet again. We're sure all you lovebirds know exactly what we're talking about. As the world is gearing up for Valentine's Day, the celebrations have already begun with today being Rose Day. Rose Day is celebrated on February 7 and on this day people gift each other roses to express their love and appreciation towards each other.

Following Rose Day, a number of other events are celebrated which include Propose Day, Chocolate Day, Teddy Day, Promise Day, Hug Day and Kiss Day which all finally build up to Valentine's Day. Most people take Rose Day as an opportunity to declare their feelings of love for someone while many others use it to show their love for companionship. So, on this Rose Day, if you're planning on giving someone a rose, read through the significance of all the different colours before you make your choice.

Red - Red roses usually signify love, which is why most partners use this colour to describe their feelings for their partner.

White - The colour white stands for purity and love.

Yellow - Yellow can signify both warmth and friendship.

Orange - Seen as a mixture of yellow and red, these roses are looked upon as a bridge between friendship and love.

Lavender - Lavender roses are a rare occurrence and they're usually very hard to find. Most people use them to tell someone that they fell in love with them at first sight.

Well, now that you know what all the colours mean, which one are you going to opt for?

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