Say hello to soft hands with this DIY moisturising mask

Alisha Alam | May 14, 2020, 15:46 IST
We're all aware that to help keep the coronavirus at bay, we have to follow certain guidelines. And one of these guidelines includes washing our hands regularly. While doing so might help ward off the virus, it also makes your skin dry and dehydrated because of all the overwashing. And sometimes, even moisturiser isn't enough to return that softness to your hands. So, we've got you a DIY moisturising mask that will work wonders to give your hands the softness it deserves.

To make this mask, you'll need oatmeal (4 tablespoons), Rosewater (3 tablespoons), Coconut oil (1 teaspoon), Almond oil (2 teaspoons), Lavender essential oil (3 drops) and Cling wrap. Start by grinding the oatmeal into small bits and then add all the other ingredients except lavender oil to it. Mix well to form a thick and coarse paste in a double boiler. Then let the mixture cool down a little and add the lavender essential oil to it and give it a good stir. And voila! Your mask is ready to be used.

Now, let this mask cool down a little and then apply it all over your palms. Once done, take the cling film and wrap it around your palms so that the mask can seep into your skin and moisturise it. Leave the mask on for about 20 minutes and then rinse it off with cool water. Use it at least 2-3 times a week for best results. Stay tuned for more updates.

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