01/5Combat stress at home in these easy ways

If you thought working from an office where you don't get along with a few people is a challenge, this is the time when you have to work from home for the next few weeks which will be an actual challenge. Because let's face it, as much as we love the comfort of our home, we can't really stay focused and dedicate our entire time to work at all times. And since this is to be continued for a few more weeks, there will be times when stress and fatigue will kick in and demotivate you out of your mind. This is when you should know of things to do in order to do away with stress and fatigue while you work from home.

Photo credits: Google images

by Dhwani Vora

02/5Make a schedule

Working from home can get messed up if you don't maintain a schedule. List down things that you have to do. Allocate timings for each task and make sure you stick to the schedule so that you don't end up stressing yourself more.

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03/5Take proper meal breaks

Just because you're working from home and you have lots to do, doesn't mean you skip on your meals or have your lunch at your work desk at home. Take proper time out to pay all attention to what you're eating. This will help you get rid of fatigue too.

Photo credits: Google images

04/5Establish a dedicated work-space

You need to set your desk or a work spot in some corner of your house. Put in some flowers, have some good light while you work. You can even play soft music and light up some scented candles. This will soothe you down quite a lot and destress you while you work from home.

Photo credits: Google images

05/5Dress up

It won't hurt if you dress up a little bit every morning before you start with your work. Take a shower, comb your hair, put on some makeup and good clothes. This will make you feel a lot fresher and give you the motivation to work better.

Photo credits: Google images