Should you discard egg yolks for weight loss?

Deesha Bondre | Feb 15, 2019, 16:48 IST
A regular egg is one of the best sources of proteins we have around. It’s often called a nutritional powerful and rightly so. Packed with all the essential nutrients, it’s your best bet when you want to lose weight or even build muscle mass. However, despite all its applaud worthy qualities; the egg’s yolk hasn’t always been a healthy eater’s favourite. Egg yolk is considered unhealthy due to the presence of high cholesterol, which is linked to heart issues. In fact people who’re aiming for a flat stomach or six-pack abs usually only eat egg whites and discard the yolks. But should you really not eat the egg yolk while following a weight loss diet?

One egg has around 186 milligrams of cholesterol, which is all found in egg's yolk. It is true that egg yolks contain high-cholesterol, but it is not as bad as it is said to be. Our body requires cholesterol to make testorerone, which aids to increase energy level and build muscles.

The egg white is a rich source of protein. Apart from the cholesterol, the egg yolk is rich in, Vitamin B2, B12 and D, which are missing from egg whites. If you eat only the egg whites, you’re missing out on other nutrients.

A study conducted at the University of Connecticut found that the fat present in egg yolks actually helps to reduce the bad cholesterol from the body.

So, if you’re trying to lose weight, do not dump the yolk unless your nutritionist has specifically advised you do so!

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